
Transportation in New York State accounts for more than three-quarters of petroleum use and nearly 40% of greenhouse gases generated. The Town of East Hampton’s community-wide 100% renewable goals include the transportation sector and envision that by the year 2030 we will generate enough renewable energy to supply the equivalent of community-wide energy used in the transportation sector in East Hampton.

To achieve this goal, we need to provide pedestrian-friendly villages and hamlets, safe walking areas and bike friendly paths, offer improved and accessible public transportation options, enable the electrification of transportation technologies by facilitating stations for charging or fueling with renewable fuels, and produce the energy used from renewable energy sources. Electric vehicles and other alternative fuel vehicles, from cars to school buses, heavy trucks and ferries, are increasingly becoming available and will allow us to power our mobility and transportation needs with renewable energy sources.

In addition to electrifying vehicles, reducing the number of vehicles on the road also helps to lower greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector. Utilizing public transportation or local rideshare and bikeshare programs all have a collective impact. The Town of East Hampton has been an annual participant in Long Island Car Free Day since 2018, encouraging commuters and residents to find alternatives to single occupancy vehicle travel. More information and presentations can be found on the town’s Sustainable Transportation web page.